
Communication on false fire alarms at Jarov II, Roosevelt and Thaler dormitories allegedly caused by cooking

The EPS system (electronic fire protection system) was installed on the basis of a project that was developed in accordance with the Fire Safety Solution of the building and the valid standards ČSN 73 0875 and ČSN 34 2710, designed by a professional designer and approved by the Fire and Rescue Service. He was taken […]

Communication on false fire alarms at Jarov II, Roosevelt and Thaler dormitories allegedly caused by cooking

Electronic fire protection system – use of kitchens

Dear students, you may have registered that firefighters have already intervened 3 times at the Jarov II dormitory in the past two weeks. Fortunately, these were all false alarms. The cause was the same – fire sensors in the kitchens, that were installed within the Electronic Fire Protection System, reported smoke. Due to the fact […]

Electronic fire protection system – use of kitchens

Visitors in student rooms

Online accommodation for visitors in student rooms was put into operation as a part of unattended operation of dormitories. Instructions for entering a visit can be found here. Article III. of Dormitory Rules shall continue to apply, ie., that the guest of the accommodated person can stay in his room for a maximum of 4 […]

Visitors in student rooms

Power supply planned outage on Wednesday, November 25, from 8AM to 3PM

Dear students and guests, according to the announcement of PREdistribuce, a.s. on Wednesday, November 25, 2020, from 8 AM to 3PM due to planned outage, the power supply will be interrupted at the VŠE SÚZ Jarov II Po Lipami 2603/43 dormitory. Power supply will be resumed immediately after the planned work. Thank you for your […]

Power supply planned outage on Wednesday, November 25, from 8AM to 3PM